Posted by: helpachildtostudy | June 18, 2021

I come home from the field,

to a dream everyday.

A dream to do better,

than what we are today.

I see my mother toil,

and father work like a machine,

to earn that bread we live on,

and pull on with life as it’s been.

Help A Child to Study,

is a project that has given me hope.

to fulfill my desire to learn further,

to help my family cope.

Cope with the finances we could not otherwise afford,

To bear half of the burden and lessen the load.

Providing a Gift to the family,

A Gift of Education.

A gift that is not luxury,

but has only developed the Nation.

I too can now believe,

in a life of dignity

A life that many like me desire,

to leave the shackles of poverty.

I too now can trust,

my parents wouldn’t have to slog any longer,

and in a few years when I become a Pharmacist,

This dream will only get power.

     – Student of Help A Child

There are many young minds who dream everyday for a better future.

They have seen their parents toil all day and yet be able only to provide just food and some basic necessities.

They do not lack determination or talent, what they lack is only skill and an opportunity to give their best.

As supporters to our fellow brothers and sisters, we can help them to get equal opportunity to prove themselves and establish their lives through Education.To have a better life and good future for their children.

To know us better you can visit :

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